Water is the Correct Medium for Iindividuals as Depicted in Figure 3a (click to access)..

Friday, April 12, 2019


For the cause of clarifying the difference between the hybrid individuals in existence today that is neither individual male/female nor living thing but a composite of both as opposed to how the original female appeared, that only THE UNIVERSAL AJUSTOR GROUP can validate with details regarding THE CREATOR'S Assist narrative about the information that's included in these Blogs posts; because knowledge of these details is limited to very few (4/14/2019). As a result, to aid with this effort the initial post has now been separated into two parts with Part 1 being accessed via this link REPUBLISHING OF THE ORIGINAL INDIVIDUALS & LIVING THINGS - Part 1 & this 2nd part focusing on more generic details regarding these associated developments.

The Mastermind induced the Earth's inhabitants (for the most part) to follow the societal example being established into evil, as indicated in the Background Details & Related Details of Importance sections of the New Liveli Blog post  REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 & REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2, ensuring that evil-doing was the acceptable path to follow in order survive & "succeed" & by this method was able to override what was instinctive to bring about his goal, namely that the highly questionable practices ushered in would be continually sustained throughout this Dominion's history (4/13/2019). Please follow for general details about the Originals  activities undertaken etc.

Ensuing Developments:
For a better perspective of the results of these actions, a better view of what really encompassed THE CREATOR, is needed. First of all it must be pointed out that not only was SHE very petite in stature, but SHE also had ONLY pubic hair and hair on HER head & NONE had any other bodily hair anywhere on HER body (4/13/2019). Furthermore, SHE only had twelve (12) teeth total, with six (6) upper & six (6) lower in addition to two (2) fingers & one (1) thumb on each hand, therefore the dental structure as well as the hand structure of what the hybrids possess today is basically gorilla adaptation, as this female NEITHER needed NOR had the existing dental or hand structure for obtaining & consuming a diet of simply fruit as well as to perform simple activities (4/13/2019).

o Digress:

It was this dental structure, that the Mastermind used as her basis for the selecting of the number of tribes of the nation of Israel since the four (4) females Adam Pretender's personality (Pharaoh as described in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE FINAL OUTCOME OF THE (SERVANT) WILL NEVER BECOME A MEANINGFUL ACHIEVER mated with [the two (2) spouses & their handmaids is really the "Father" of the nation of Israel], had ten (10) more offspring than the twelve (12) she chose for connecting them back to "god" through, because of the number of teeth possessed by the original female, which was altered by (Living Things/gorilla) mixing as discussed in the New Arrangement post THE UNDERLYING REASON FOR WHAT'S NEW.

To Resume
Therefore, what is existence today and accepted as the "norm" not only bears very little resemblance to what was in place originally, but also emphasizes clearly why the example in the post REPUBLISHING OF AN EXAMPLE OF WHY RE-EDUCATION IS NEEDED in this regard. This does not only apply to outward features but also more importantly in the critical parts of the human anatomy that originally distinguished us from other living things, namely with regards the spinal cord consistency, the heart as well as other parts, which now vary significantly from what was in place in the original female (THE CREATOR - 4/13/2019). The Enacted Measures (EM) generally & of psoriasis flakes specifically in males [including gorilla males as indicated in THE CREATOR'S description used in this "evolution process], was implemented for the reasons indicated in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW -Part 1 and the accompanying dandruff in all (males & females) came about because gorillas are beset by this problem. As added emphasis, it must be pointed out that the original females were already hybrids who took part in "operation population" as discussed in REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 1 as well as in  New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW Part 1.
pointed out in in THE CREATOR'S description, the original male (who was effected via the living things) was placed in the Earth for the reason discussed there, namely  being made a scapegoat for the implementing of the EM for his "operation population" & eventually  the idea of "Surprise Quiz" was used to cover-up the methods used to bring about this eventuality involving successive world powers that would ensure evil was practiced continually & more importantly that to "succeed" required the adoption of evil even though all are well aware of what was right versus wrong in decision making, by default implying that all failed the "test" & were subject to the EM  (4/14/2019).  
The "operation population" would in turn result in the explosion of the EM on all the prospective Earth's inhabitants throughout its history as the 1st event in the 18 events that shaped the Earth's history from the post THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY - (REPUBLISHED) bears witness too. It's these prevailing conditions, which THE UNIVERSAL AJUSTOR GROUP foresaw as needing the effecting of the journey of this Servant in the manner in, which it was as indicated in the Conclusion section of the post CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 2 (REPUBLISHED) (that had a more "big picture" purpose relating to the conditions existing in the Dominion - 4/14/2019).

To Digress:
Fast forward to the conditions the new colonists were faced with in the New World, as implied in the Introduction of the post "REPOSTING OF AN EXCERPT FROM THE POST AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - EDITED", these old practices instituted by the Mastermind were activated to expand the population needed, and as a result, more than human (male) slaves were brought from the African continent. These methods were used extensively and the new Country became so divided by him for the purpose of political control through the Civil War that erupted that without the reliance on the gorillas used in slavery for expanding the amount of slaves for building up the new nation; it would not have been possible for the Union to defeat the much more organized Confederates without their assistance fighting along side them. Therefore, in reality it (the Civil War) had very little to do with slavery generically, because all were in favor of and relied on it for building and expanding the economy.

To Resume:
Follow-on Activity:
The Mastermind's hybridization didn't end with individuals but ushered in these same activities among living things by supporting tampering to produce the first monkeys from the gorilla & wolf & later to attain "super" hybrids, among all categories of living things. Therefore, what resulted was the selective mixing of the buffalo to produce many varieties of cows (that became their main food source and instituted farming as is now known) that cemented their evolutionary processes among animals with the hybrid man/gorilla (bear) and in the case of the already giant size buffalo producing many varieties of cows.
Their attention next turned to producing something evolutionary in the sea life among fish. The result was the intentionally altering the diet of the original shark, "monsters" were produced and eventually adapted with "chain-saw" sized teeth to consume the flesh they were fed.
Similarly among birds, the hybrid "godlike" Ostrich was produced by selective mixing and among insects, the giant "godlike" Anaconda snake was produced by selective mixing and altering of its diet. As a result, the THIRD (3rd) Biblical account in the book of Genesis about Noah and the ark was included to cover up all the hybrids animals etc. produced collectively and convey that the "Lord god" had created all along with the hybrid (neither man nor animal) who was directed to protect them.
As a result, the Mastermind (inclusive taking Lucifer into account) really considered themselves "Lord god(-like) having now achieved "godlike' species among all Living Things categories as well as with their intentional replacement of man [with the "godlike" Life Form produced that was a hybrid and having their actions included in the sixty-four (64) books as "Lord god" inspired (4/13/2019).


As described in the Conclusion section of the post REPUBLISHING OF STRUCTURAL DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW (INCLUSIVE), most of what is now considered acceptable will have to be discarded as this description showed. The direction that was chosen by the Mastermind & hers, set those following her on a course in stark opposition to what was intended by THE UNIVERSAL AJUSTOR GROUP (4/14/20119). Intentionally following evil examples instead of what was inherently known to be right, was a mark of gross disrespect by the Mastermind inclusive with regards their "statement-making, operation population" methods, because the existing hybrids did NOT possess "kindness" & as indicated in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 2 Lucifer was being made a scapegoat for the imposition of the EM that had already been implemented for the manner in, which he (Lucifer) had been effected through the living things, thereby explaining the reason for the unique arrangement he was "kept" in (4/14/2019).
Furthermore, to create clones as was considered "acceptable" in their descendants thinking following evil practices as take place when clones are introduced to replace those who are born "naturally" is also grossly disrespectful as pointed out in The Outcome of These Developments section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE - Part 3 (4/13/2019).
The Mastermind did not want the effected journey of this Servant to achieve its desired objective for its implications & did everything possible to ensure it would end in failure to leave her Dominion in its evil "glorified" state continuously.   

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