Water is the Correct Medium for Iindividuals as Depicted in Figure 3a (click to access)..

Friday, April 12, 2019


For the cause of clarifying the difference between the hybrid individuals in existence today that is neither "man" nor living thing but a composite of both as opposed to the original female appeared, that only THE UNIVERSAL AJUSTOR GROUP can validate with details regarding THE CREATOR'S Assist narrative that's included in these Blogs posts; because knowledge of these details is limited to very few (4/14/2019). As a result, to aid with this effort the initial post has now been separated into two parts with Part 1 being accessed via the below link in the final paragraph beginning with "This post will conclude in...". The two (2) parts of this divided post will begin with Part 1 examining the connecting events from a "big picture" perspective starting with the path Adam Pretender, Lucifer & the Mastermind chose to implement the "SURPRISE QUIZ", which is further discussed in the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 & Part 2 focusing on more generic details regarding these associated developments (4/13/2019). 

Adam Pretender as well as the Mastermind induced the Earth's inhabitants to follow the societal example being established into evil, as indicated in the Background Details & Related Details of Importance sections of the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1, & in THE CREATOR'S description & even though there was no competing positive example for those who are basically followers, ALL (were) are aware of right versus wrong that is why to offset this inherent condition, they ensured that evil-doing was the acceptable path to follow in order survive & "succeed" & by this method was able to override what was instinctive to ensure that the highly questionable practices ushered in would be continually sustained throughout this Dominion's history (4/14/2019). Please follow below. 

Background Details:

What has become the acceptable "standard" in this society demonstrates lack of respect for anything upright, worthwhile, respectful, etc. & as a result the writing of the 64 Biblical books dedicated to bestowing deity on & promoting themselves  to "Lord god" via Adam Pretender as manipulated by the Mastermind as described in THE CREATOR'S description, only serves to demonstrate individuals determined to attain the desired objective, no matter how self-centered (4/14/2019). The Mastermind showed this manipulative & "bent" trait throughout the actions enacted, starting with the "operation population" path & justified these actions by the language in the FIRST (1st) Biblical account in the book of Genesis regarding the sons of "God" and the daughters of men producing "giants" that was intended to cover-up & make it acceptable for future generations also to follow what had been initially set in motion deliberately using gorillas & other living things (4/14/2019). This process was eventually called "evolution" .
To make this more "godlike" size hybrid more acceptable creationism was struck down by partial judicial action* (see Footnote) by the indirect manipulation of the Mastermind, in schools etc. and replaced with evolution there (in schools) & as a result, to ensure that future generations would eventually be taught this (the "godlike" stature of individuals) & it would become the acceptable "norm". Furthermore, the various side "sporting" activities furthered this goal as those who are "giant-sized" are the most favored in these activities for the most part since they promote "giant-size" athletes. This supported the Mastermind's objectives since he always had "empire" & "deity" size goals. 
As a result, most today are unaware of how very petite the original Female was in stature as an adult and its considered an abnormality to be small in size (4/13/2019). "Naturally", with "giants" now being produced, the demand for food to feed their giant-sized appetites became critical, which was one of the main reasons why living things were the avenue chosen to address this unintended consequence, namely, over population comprised of hybrids with very large food requirements.
It must be remembered that ALL DO THE UNIVERSAL AJUSTOR GROUP'S WILL WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR PROGRAM (4/14/2019). FIRST CASE IN POINT, even though the Mediators of the "SURPRISE QUIZ" were aware of this Servant's journey & were doing whatever was needed to thwart it, their actions in continuously "observing" my activities ultimately served to enable the details about their methods to be made known via these Blogs, while indirectly significantly aiding this Servant's execution of the journey/quest of Cedar Omega with regards achieving the outcome depicted in the prelude of the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 (4/14/2019
SECOND CASE IN POINT, implementing the overcomer in their flawed Biblical work as discussed in "The Revelation..." was executed by THE CREATOR who back-fitted the futuristic works when she was able to "see' my journey with her ability to look ahead (in the future) to ensure that what was being effected via this Servant's journey would ultimately end in failure & ultimately led to this Servant Cedar Omega as a descendant of Seth, overcoming the existing misconceptions & other societal conditions to determine the real significance of what was required, namely knowledge & qualities that are in summary described in THE CREATOR'S  description as well as in the Nu Arrangement Blog post REPUBLIISHING OF HOW THE JOURNEYS OF CEDAR OMEGA WERE EFFECTED BY THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP; since this journey/quest held much significance for the vindication of this Dominion's female residents specifically with regards respectful conduct as oppose to the very disrespectful manner in, which this Dominion was ushered in as well as such conduct (respectful) to all generally (including the living things - 4/14/2019).
ow very telling this is where even though the awareness of good versus evil exists, for the most part, blindly following evil results, exposing what was the root cause responsible for this turn of events, namely that no upright example was available in a position of influence at crucial times to balance the evil example being set as the desired path to "achieve" for those who were (are) mainly followers in nature in this Dominion where evil has been given "supreme" status. THIRD CASE IN POINT, even though the 66 books of the Bible are flawed & the path via, which the Mastermind & hers manipulated Adam Pretender to exalt himself to "Lord god" status (hand-in-hand with THE CREATOR, it was via these inaccurate accounts that this Servant was able to obtain enough details that served as the basis from, which my knowledge & instruction was able to be effected about what actually occurred throughout Earth's history to obtain what was truly needed to be demonstrated by the Servant Cedar Omega to achieve the desired objectives (4/14/2019).
ven though Adam Pretender's as well as the other Mastermind's descendants continuously meddled in the lives of living things to produce unintended consequences that led to imbalances 2 & 3 outlined in The Outcome of These Developments section on the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE - Part 3THE UNIVERSAL AJUSTOR GROUP'S high standard of NOT becoming involved in the Earth's events unless they had the potential to impede THEIR will for the intended program was severely tested because the continuous hybrid alteration had the potential to do just that with respect to clones, no action was needed as this Servant even when it appeared if was left "hanging", maintained fixed on the inherent objective & as a result, was able to achieve the unknown goal (as this Servant was NOT even aware that a journey/quest was being effected) underscoring the reason for initiating the journey & it cannot be stated that any "first handassistance was received from THE UNIVERSAL AJUSTOR GROUP'S that enabled its execution regardless if such is implied by any (4/14/2019). This turn of events highlights the above excellent examples showing that the will of THE UNIVERSAL AJUSTOR GROUP  is NOT impeded by any intent on evil & even criminal doing when what is being done is the right thing to do, as this Servant's  journey demonstrated (4/14/2019). The more important question for those disrespectful types for all [taught such by the Mastermind & his followers] who STILL  CONTINUE TO CARRY OUT "BUSINESSAS USUAL, is WHY ARE THEY BEING PERMITTED TO ACT AS DISHONORABLY AS THEY DO?    

This post will conclude in REPUBLISHING OF THE ORIGINAL INDIVIDUALS & LIVING THINGS - Part 2 beginning with the Ensuing Developments section after the Introduction (4/14/2019). That post generally will provide general details about the Originals activities undertaken etc.

* Footnote:
This partial separation of Church & State Judicial Action implies that the more significant area was NOT effected, namely the financial contributions made to such institutions, which are still deductible on Governmental Tax Forms.


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