Water is the Correct Medium for Iindividuals as Depicted in Figure 3a (click to access)..

Sunday, April 14, 2019


For the cause of clarifying the Pretender's proper role in the Earth's history for those who have been impacted in anyway as a result. Based on this eventuality, it must be noted that the details on this Blog with regards his role are written chronologically, meaning that the most recent post (this) contains the up-to-date & accurate information about him & all other prior details in other previous posts & Pages have to be viewed in this light.


The Pretender never implemented THE CREATOR (GOD'S) will with regards a Surprise Quiz because there was never such an activity (5/24/2019). The details of how these complex activities took place are outlined below, PLEASE FOLLOW.

Background Information:

He (the Pretender) was not: 1) prevented from going on the mission as described in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE ORIGINAL INDIVIDUALS & LIVING THINGS - Part 1 but was actively encouraged 2) given the direction to remain a proper distance from the gorilla female, 3) aware that females needed "kindness" for mothering, 4)  unaware of the "operation population" mission promoted by the "Mastermind", 5) aware that enacted measures (EM) had been implemented, 6) unaware that Seth was being used as a veil by the ARBITRATOR to mask the disrespectful manner his Mother Olana was being treated that even included conveying that Seth was his son & 7) unaware that he was being permitted to "return" in various roles associated with the four (4) World Empires as well as prior to that as Pharaoh [who had them (his descendants) brought into Egypt}* (see Footnote) & were also allowed to return into modern times in various roles that were attributed incorrectly to the Melchzeidec (who was mainly a fictional character used to give Biblical credibility to tithing & compiled the sixty-four (64) Biblical books (5/24/2019).
The above developments are framed by two (2) events of note, i) the fact that Adam Pretender (the Biblical Cain) had already destroyed his brother Abel & attempted to effect a similar action on Seth & ii) this Servant's journey, which led to the overcoming of the various societal conditions as documented in the Background Information section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE ORIGINAL INDIVIDUALS & LIVING THINGS - Part 1 to find out what was/is error versus accurate in the various lifestyle practices “accepted” as the “norm” for living in these existing Dominions that are littered with conditions that make it almost impossible to live “free” of evil entanglements.
THE CREATOR (GOD) permitted Adam Pretender to follow the path he was being manipulated by the Mastermind (or Alclair) to pursue because all were being permitted to realize their methods versus HERS, meaning evil & forcing all to follow such versus upright-centered actions & choice as described in the post CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 2 (REPUBLISHED) (5/24/2019).

Outcome Developments:

This condition (the attempt to destroy Seth) was the result of specific developments that occurred because he thought that if Seth was removed his role would become enlarged in  the conditions established by the Mastermind (or the BEYOND POWER - TBP 5/24/2019).

Concluding Details:

What's New will be dedicated to a clear alternative to what was ushered in via the "Mastermind", AlClair) as discussed in the New Liveli Blog post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 & in the above description (5/24/2019). The Pretender most definitely will NOT be a Meaningful Achiever even though he was permitted to "return" in various personalities, because even though he carried out the will of THE CREATOR (GOD'S) & it was permitted, what was executed on the helpless females in order to implement "operation population" & concluding that for this terrible activity that she (the Mastermind) was Lord god - the Father being a very self-centered individual, was in reality the very evil serpent described in "The Revelation..." generally & more specifically in the post CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 1 (REPUBLISHED), an appropriate description of herself (5/24/2019).

* Footnote:
These personalities included notable individuals from history, such as the Biblical Moses, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, & Asaharius, King David, Gideon, Sampson as well as the 1st of the Cesar's & Paul. In addition, non Biblical types such as the 1st of the Papal leaders, Hannibal whose exploits in Spain made a significant impact, Hitler, the former 1st Lady under Chief Executive FDR- Eleanor, Stalin, Rasputin, the late Bush 41's father the late CT senator Prescott Bush, as well as the 19th & final personality Warren Buffett.     

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