Water is the Correct Medium for Iindividuals as Depicted in Figure 3a (click to access)..

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


For the cause of reinforcing the difference between this existing Dominion's conditions versus the more meaningful & simple lifestyle approach that will be in existence in THE CREATOR (GOD'S) (or THE HEAVENLY OVERALL ALMIGHTY POWER'S - THOAP'S) What's New [see Figure 2a - What's New Inclusive Initial Conditions in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1]; because what was undertaken the Earth that was originally in a single post, has been divided into three (3) Parts (6/23/2019). The outcome in this existing Dominion has resulted in anything but uplifting, respectful & meaningful lifestyles among most. This post began in REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 & continued in Part  2 of the three (3) parts of this newly divided format postREPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - Part 2, which highlightedwhat eventually took place underscoring the need for a new start. & this 3rd Part focuses on the outcome of the various developments that occurred in this Dominion that further emphasize the difference between what took place versus what will be introduced in the restart (8/18/2019)  

The Outcome of These Developments:
The eventual result of these actions directly or indirectly brought about because of Mey the originally hybridized female's simultaneous personality Renee starting over in the Earth after the 2nd rebirth as discussed in the post THE CREATOR GOD - ADDENDUM 1 & eventually resulting in Imbalances of, which the most acute totaling twenty-two (22) identified below require redressing to remedy some of the damage executed in the Earth (8/18/2019).
There are some of the opinion that the intentional permanent removal (destruction) of other individuals will lead to a change in THE CREATOR (GOD'S) criterion with regards What's New as has occurred in specific instances and to the contrary, this course of action is a definite mistake and a clear indication of why the restart is required because the criteria is framed by the listed/highlighted guidelines in the New Liveli Blog post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW (8/18/2019). These previously indicated imbalances underscore what the restart is intended to redress in order to prevent reoccurrence from ever taking place with the type of lifestyle & activities that will be fostered & promoted & are as follows:
  1. Death
  2. The activities compounding the hybridization of individuals by the production & deploying of male clones as depicted in Part 2 of this post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - Part 2,
  3. Killing among "created" beings and as a direct result between living things
  4. Earthquakes
  5. Volcanic Eruptions
  6. Violent Storms (including Tsunamis or tidal waves)
  7. Diseases
  8. Drought Conditions
  9. Wildfires
  10. Landfill, Oceanic & Space Debris
  11. Disruptive Solar Flares
  12. Misuse of Non-decaying (atomic) Materials
  13. Mining the Earth's Surface for oil, ores or "precious" stones
  14. Production of Toxic Chemicals (for any purpose)
  15. All Atomic Explosions
  16. Genetic Modification (of plants for chemical farming)
  17. Acid Rain
  18. Arctic Ice Melt
  19. Disruption of the various atmospheric Layers
  20. Misuse of Plants/Trees
  21. Germ Warfare (meaning the intentional developing & deadly "agents" to afflict individuals with) &
  22. Birth Defects (inclusive)

The 114 "Enacted Measures" (EM) were instituted with their root cause being the evil conditions permitted by THOAP & effected an avenue for controlling what was in existence (8/18/2019). These EM, which include the cyclic female bodily elimination will all be healed in What's New. The others range from "age" spots, to hair loss, cracking & pealing of the feet as it (the skin) hardens with age, psoriasis flakes in addition to retardation that results when family relations have offspring together (with the level of severity depending on parental criteria meaning, those with the same parents will have more severely retarded offspring, which is also included in the 22nd imbalance in the above listing) and the biggest one of all death [because NONE (imbalances) are supposed to be in existence), etc. and as a result, the EM were instituted with the intent of imposing them on ALL for the reasons described above. The 115 EM was added for the inclusion of the complex female Eve in the Biblical account as the matriarch of the Earth as outlined in the post  THE CREATOR GOD - ADDENDUM 1 (8/18/2019). 
This quest/journey by Cedar Omega was effected to show how disrespectful the conditions were in this Dominion as a means of bringing their attention to THOAP specifically & all generally who were enabled to act with impunity to whomever they chose to carry out their agenda against, generally (8/8/2019)       
The elimination of all other body fluids/waste (that effects all), which is not an EM to result in "PURE", meaning bodies that eliminate zero waste including liquid as well as refueling & the need for renewal or rest); has an EXTREMELY HIGH standard set and very few will achieve it as will be norm in What's New (8/18/2019).
The initially hybridized female Mey needed renewal and refueling or food & the "luxury" of pure bodies was not given to any to be enjoined in the pursuit of evil activities (8/18/2019). The "bar" for pure bodies is very high because any with such should not be dedicated to evil since no refueling will be required and as a result zero solid excess produced and no liquid waste even through pours &/or organs depending on the type of environment human individuals are in (5/22/2019). As an outcome, renewal (rest) as now required will be unnecessary, therefore ONLY one meeting the VERY high standard set, (meaning the ability to follow a solitary path if needed to practically implement the desired objective, as is possible for any to execute as implied in the Conservery Historical ONLY Blog post "HONORING GOD AND RESPECTING OTHERS PRACTICALLY-UPDATED") should be in possession of this created design, who wasn't and isn't pursuing the example of the Mastermind (Lane), if THE CREATOR (GOD) so chooses according to the intended program (8/18/2019). 
As a result, NEITHER selectees are being considered for &/or being included in What's New as correctly pointed out in the post THE LACK OF SELECTEE RESIDENTS IN THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE as permanent residents NOR are grandfathered newly created individuals as indicated in Figure 2a of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 because these would represent untested types with the potential to chose to follow evil & would do so in possession of pure bodies & as a result ONLY who or what is shown in Figure 2a will be in What's New (8/18/2019) .
All the listed UC are a direct result of the choices made by the decision to effect the various world powers to ensure that all would remain evil by the Mastermind (6/23/2019)

What can be stated about what took place is that the Mastermind chose to manipulate the implementing of the flawed "operation population" & the "Surprise Quiz" was the veil used to gloss over the methods used that have been compounded by the "inflicting" of more terrible conditions for females specifically & all generally who have chosen to follow that example as manipulated by him (8/18/2019). The reliance on unethical & dishonorable methods will NOT ALTER WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE, meaning the long listing of those identified on The New Arrangement September 2018 Calendar that is not exhaustive statistically is a very stark reminder that evil is everywhere all around as many became victims for the reason indicated in The Outcome of These Developments section above, this is why What's New was ONLY intended  for very, very few based on the highlighted/listed details outlined in REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW, as we are all well aware of what's right and wrong inherently and choices are made to follow evil instead of what's upright, wholesome and meaningful (8/18/2019).

To Digress:

That famous psychological study conducted in, which the students in a class were involved in except one and the instructor went to all involved and who as directed provided the incorrect response and when it was the turn of the lone student not aware of the test conditions, the wrong answer was also provided by this student even though aware that it was so because of not wanting to be different. This result depicts the type of conditions that exist in this society with its tolerance for evil, which can be compared to a type of "bystander" effect that has been instituted by the Pretender, leaving it paralyzed and a restart is needed.

To Resume:

The specific conditions under
, which needed turnarounds should have occurred was the example set by Cedar Omega choosing to adopt this journey as a Servant's that a cross-section of individuals were exposed to intentionally (8/18/2019). This is why turnarounds CANNOT be back-fitted as an orientation approach would be conveying because day one of What's New will be dedicated to implementing what's intended in the initial conditions in Figure 2a of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 as intended by THE CREATOR (GOD) as oppose to what is currently taking place in this existing Dominion regarding the uplifting qualities described in the Conclusion section of the post THE LACK OF SELECTEE RESIDENTS IN THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE

This post concludes the previously combined details found in a single location in order to emphasize the points being highlighted more clearly as indicated in the Forward at the beginning of this post.  

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