Water is the Correct Medium for Iindividuals as Depicted in Figure 3a (click to access)..

Saturday, June 29, 2019


For the cause of clarifying the relevant information regarding REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW in order that the fact that its lack of Selectee residents (as identified in THE LACK OF SELECTEE RESIDENTS IN THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE post will become much clearer from the picture being presented, please follow.


It is because of how the events as described in the post THE CREATOR GOD - Addendum 1 unfolded that it deemed appropriate to start anew leaving what took place in this existing behind. The developments that ushered in the Earth were very unpleasant & did not represent this existing Dominion's finest hour & they have remained fixed on this course comparable to a runaway (out-of-control) locomotive. Please follow below for the details regarding why THOAP chose NOT to be associated with what would take place here as ushered by those who would become the originals

ackground Information:

Any focus on ornately & extravagant representation are NOT representative of the type of approach needed to introduce a new start. These types of visually appealing forms is what is given importance by those pursuing the acquisition of wealth by ANY means is what this existing Dominion promotes as indicative of being "successful" and would be an inconsistency for THE CREATOR GOD'S What's New. What would be more consistent with what was to be expected (from  THOAP) would be an emphasis on inherently simple qualities such as what is being promoted with the lack of Selectee grandfathered residents model inside What's New with its focus on the more meaningful, total self worth  with its emphasis on respect for others as is represented in Figure 2a in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1
The critical events, which impacted the Earth's history as represented by EVENT #1 in the post THE EIGHTEEN EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY (REPUBLISHED) regarding the reasons for the expansion of the EM to include the additional ONE HUNDRED & EIGHT (108) clearly underscored THOAP's basis for placing Andy in the unique arrangement he was placed in, which he used as his basis for the evil actions carried out. He (Andy) never enquired why he was placed in the manner that he was but simply assumed & formed the conclusions he drew that then led to the outcome that ensued as descried in THE CREATOR GOD - Addendum 1. However, all do HIS will where HIS program is concerned because this Servant quest/journey was effected for its significance regarding the experiences of Cedar Omega to demonstrate the type of conduct that should have been done by Andy & his eight (8) male offspring.
For example, the language in the Arbitrator's Biblical book of "The Revelation..." regarding the 144,000 and other very specific details regarding the descendants of the his favorite offspring (namely the 12 twelve tribes) was included by to discourage others from living lives dedicated to anything meaningful but to continually follow the evil example they ushered in & was permitted because it showed the type of individual he really had become by adopting the methods he used to attempt to separate ALL (his objective) from THE CREATOR GOD

Details of Importance:
The most distinguishing feature of
 What's New will be the simple lifestyle focus (SLF) of those newly created grandfathered pairs there. This feature will ultimately lead to "fulfillment", something that has never been a part of life in this Dominion because what was instituted was initiated with the type of associated downside liabilities described in the Additional Background Details section of the post THE CREATOR GOD - Addendum 1, since what came about was implemented "my way" as the Lord god Footnote in the above Addendum 1 post indicates.
One outcome of these failings because of the terrible way in, which the Matriarch Lane was treated is that  is that females (& all who participate in what was ushered in by Andy & his 8 male offspring) have only known the monetizing of the human body functions along with all the "robotic" and other ills it has brought to this society as highlighted in the referenced post THE LACK OF SELECTEE RESIDENTS IN THE NEW ARRANGEMENT  (INCLUSIVE) - UPDATED.
The second notable feature of What's New will be the respectful manner in, which those pairs included will treat each other
. In these environmental conditions  the focus will be on various uplifting hobby/activities in addition to other simple functions. For example growing & preserving of excess food (fruit & vegetables) will be carried out & as a result simple lifestyle supporting "tools" will be available in order to support these intended activities in addition to other basic needs to assist in helping to frame the very basic "processes" that will be involved.
The making of simple crafts will be achieved from dried coconuts/branches primarily, as appropriate. In addition, in all of the simple hobbies specifically in addition to the other craft activities generally will primarily occupy the time spent.

Other Pertinent Details:
In What's New the day will consist of thirteen (13) instead of the twenty-four (24) hours in this existing Dominion & those "protected" Assistees outside in their locations will also be aligned with this What's New (13-hour) orientation (6/30/2019). The object will be for the newly created pairs to remain in the restrictive compared to the less restrictive environment more because the Earth's experiment demonstrated the countless possibilities that could be available for them, which could lead to a repeat of the outcomes that occurred in this existing Dominion (6/30/2019). The 
functions carried out will be uplifting consistent with what was originally intended by THOAP, namely with a desire to be completely focused on various wholesome activities that those without such an inherent desire (those who follow the prevailing conditions in society, which teach disrespectful conduct for all), would not be comfortable in participating in (6/30/2019). The Assistees outside will also be engaged in specific functions in addition to practically adopting such hobbies as a normal course of their daily lifestyle make-up (6/30/2019). Communication will be basic & the basic resource needs will be appropriate for the few included.

Water resources will be typically via large holding tanks at residences where salt (for bathing) & fresh water (for other uses ex. drinking, filling toilet tanks, etc.) Furthermore, in order to avoid the type of imbalances described in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - Part 3 there will be no destruction of trees as currently used in construction & ALL will “play a part” in assisting with the achieving of this objective as naturally fallen coconut palm branches will be used in the construction of basic activities as previously indicated. 
Examples of some of the simple hobbies that will be carried out include: nature art, rock collecting, photography, gardening& dried floral arrays etc., that will be maintained at individual abodes. This approach will help to foster  enhanced, uplifting & wholesome pursuits that helps to realize & underscore contributions involved from a positive, strengthening, respectful lifestyle activities  perspective instead of what was ushered in this existing Dominion


This concise view has two (2) objectives; 1) to serve as an aide appropriately to show how what is being envisioned & planned for what will be ahead is to demonstrate why only those in Figure 2a in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 initial conditions are representative of this that's ahead as was the purpose of overcoming what's existing (that involved being subjected to very dishonorable circumstances because of wanting to maintain an uplifting/respectful outlook, which drew the ire of those intent on attempting to keep ALL dedicated to evil pursuits who made it their "business" to attempt to affect even though all others are carrying out their evil agenda.

These events that Andy & his went to great lengths to prevent and disrupt are coming in spite the type of subversive actions that have taken place both generally and specifically in the lives of various targeted individuals up to this point in time.
The fact that THOAP allowed the various developments to take place such as did occur from the beginning was surprising to many but in spite of this, they drew the mistaken conclusion they could carry out any evil against this Servant & in this way achieve their desired objective, (Earth's evil Dominion to continue with the status quo. 

However, since HE always was aware of their agenda & permitted them to act (as if they were "unstoppable" as they claimed, & as a result they began to act as if they actually were), but even their dishonorable plans cannot prevent the establishing of What's New, BECAUSE ALL THAT OCCURED THOAP (who is the ONLY one who always existed) KNEW WOULD OCCUR & implemented HIS own "OPERATION RESTART" centered around the journey/quest of this Servant to counter the developments that would & did occur, consistent with solutions being effected for all the details previously ushered in by Andy Arbitrator.  

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