Water is the Correct Medium for Iindividuals as Depicted in Figure 3a (click to access)..

Sunday, June 23, 2019


For the cause of those few Overcomer Notable "Considerees" collectively, who are deserving of more highlighting as a reminder that what the notable consideration they are being included for have been tossed aside in this existing Dominion *12/21/2019). From these Considerees a few notables will emerge who will become volunteers for the Dominions project (12/21/2019).


The Overcomer Notables "Considerees" generally can be placed into one (1) of two (2) categories, & Overcomers in the third (3rd), namely for: 1) conduct over the course of their lives that distinguishes them from others, 2) conduct during dynamic and very trying conditions that sets them apart & 3rd) conduct representing a  combination of both 1) & 2 consistently is what is required for an OVERCOMER). This post also identifies those late individuals who are no longer around but are deserving of being uplifted for their accomplishments, as appropriate (12/21/2019). The applicable details are described below, please follow.

ategory 1) Details of Importance:
This grouping is where only three (3) are being recognized here as "Considerees" as described because it represents a very difficult mark to achieve over the course of a lifetime living out the principles that sets such apart that is why they were highlighted ultimately (12/21/2019). Furthermore, not only are the qualities exemplified severely "trampled" by the type of conduct that's "rewarded" in this existing dominion (in real life), but are typically always depicted as being the path about how "business" and/or "life" generally is really conducted when promoting (or paying "lip" service) to conditions here, which is far from the case. These distinctive individuals are:
  1. This late Overcomer Notable Consideree is a very special individual who given the choice will prefer to follow simpler, quiet lifestyle pursuits that have no mass appeal especially when considering the type of connecting family tree this individual has, namely the House of Windsor, the same as the late Queen Elizabeth 2. As a result, an individual of definitive character was molded who has not lost sight of these intrinsic values and this late House of Windsor very dear Individual of Consistently Unassuming Character was molded possessing the type of qualities clearly worthy of being a Consideree (12/21/2019),
  2. This late Overcomer Notable Consideree was notable for typically stellar conduct that has been achieved by only two (2) others as represented by inclusion in this category. Therefore, when faced with the aftermath resulting from the untimely demise of colleague Cory, Diane Agron responded in the same noteworthy manner, which had been the conduct that had come to be the usual mark expected in the life of this helpful late individual who is deserving of being considered (12/21/2019 ),
  3. This individual who becomes the next Overcomer Notable "Consideree" lived for the "dream" of Dodi the father whose most notable achievement led Meghan Markle to conclude that to stand for a belief was nothing to be ashamed of & the tragedy of his death became the backdrop that led Megan at the appropriate opportunity in life to do just that, to become a person of character when it mattered most & as a result become worthy of being a Consideree (12/21/2019),

Category 2) Details of Importance:
There are a few individuals who can be placed into this group that represents those whose most notable qualities were brought out by the conditions they had to live out under dynamic and/or trying circumstances. They
  1. This very progressive individual was not satisfied with being the same as all others in this Dominion where there are very few opportunities for females to achieve anything noteworthy but this latest addition chose to set her sights "higher", while refusing to just more of the same as those around force who represent the status quo attempt to force all into acceptance of the "mold" they have set for all to follow & take pride in reminding those who would dare seek to break out of the "established" ordinary mold awaiting all & particularly females. However, Faith Wilson decided to set her sights above the ordinary & didn't stop until she earned her rightful place in the profession she chose to establish for herself as Principal of Faith Wilson Real Estate Group of Vancouver, Canada. She for her efforts deserve the type of recognition that marks an achiever striving for the type of professional recognition who should not accept anything but the type of respectful conduct she deserves from anyone as a Consideree (12/21/2019),
  2. This forceful & dynamic individual behind the Sony & Cher duo is a very special  leader (12/21/2019). The very professionally skilled individual knows talent when it's striving to make its & it's because of this quality that the talent this Consideree possess was blended with that of the late partner to become the successful duo they were (12/21/2019). Cher when it matters most can assist in motivating others as was done for the duo & will assist with grooming the Production into becoming a more than exemplary "Workshop" worthy of being supported by the future attendees who acknowledge this by their attendance (12/21/2019).
  3. This longtime very talented individual is one who is notable for the type of musical selection him & his group Dawn became known for as those endearing & notable "hits" bear witness to, which "Knock Three Times" underscores (12/21/2019). Consideree Tony Orlando's leadership of his musical group is the reason for their successful experience as a group during the years they made those pieces memorable & are what made this Consideree the special gifted individual he is in his own unmistakable way that has made Tony Orlando a deserving Consideree (12/21/2019),
  4. This hard working individual was one that stood out in a fleeting moment for the musical "hits", but gained more recognition for the events surrounding the choreographic activities carried out with the Cheerleaders with, which this Consideree became associated with & notable for & this standout supportive attitude was memorable during the tenure this individual was specifically noted for, which "spoke" volumes about her as an individual, who assisted those with aspirations of becoming performers on that long running "reality" TV show as a judge, making Paula Abdul a very near & dear Consideree who should not be ashamed of being known as a caring & supportive individual as a judge(12/21/2019),
  5. This Consideree is a classic behind the scenes Achievers but not in any way ordinary as the type of determination that resulted in standout Patty can be recognized at the family-run real estate company POWERHOUSE REALTY, which showcases the talents of all six (6) members, including the behind the marketing specialist & choreographic talented family member Meghan Morrow (12/27/2019). With the desired objective always in sight, this hard-working down-to-Earth behind the scenes Achiever remained focused on the goal set & helped to build the family business, making Meghan a more than ordinary Consideree (12/27/2019),
  6. This individual in this category is an international accomplished individual who endured much because of the anti apartheid stance held & through it all remained true to these beliefs (7/12/2019). This dear individual was subjected to much turmoil in life because of the convictions held dear & learned how to surmount the hurdles that confronted this Consideree in a land that was openly shattered by indifference but this did not prevent the determined individual who became known as South Africa's "1st Lady" from remaining firm & not wilting into the shadows as some desired even though wrongfully accused in the process of many misdeeds, the late Winnie Mandela deserves a rightful place as a RARE Consideree who have left two (2) very caring offspring to carry on in the footsteps set, making Zindzi Mandela an individual from a very special family of Considerees (12/27/2019),
  7. These individuals are being included as a group who in addition to the late cast members made this TV series surrounding the life of high School Student Fin a standout production as underscored in the post THE IRREPLACEABLE NATURE & VALUE OF SIMPLICITY, which helped it to developed it to become truly distinctive in heart warming way intentionally (in the opinion of this Servant - 12/21/2019). In this manner it can be said that the very talented cast members directly contributed to the accolades achieved even though it was cut short by the untimely death of the leading character, Cory, about, which additional details are described in this drama set instead to gain accomplishments the old fashioned way, in contrast to what typically takes place in this existing Dominion that came to a halt as a result of an unfortunate "development", making the surviving & late cast members of canceled TV series Glee very extraordinary Considverees collectively (12/21/2019).
  8. These Overcomer Notable Considerees, my dear childhood playmate & friend, the late Ulilia Edwards goes back to my adolescent years in the Land of my upbringing (Barbados) & is one who really can in my opinion be identified with courage in addition in addition to my very dear friend Yvette Ifil whose late mother was my "godmother" (12/21/2019). When it mattered most Yvette published a news article documenting my linkage to my heritage, which Yvette shares in addition to Ulilia, upon realizing that an attempt was (& still is) being made to redefine me into someone that allowed MANY to hide in my journey as highlighted on the Pages of the CONSERVERY HISTORICAL ONLY BLOG. The late Yvette & Ulilia who stood out as a Media Relations Rep for this Servant, both demonstrated the type of rare caring characteristics, worthy of being Considerees (12/21/2019),
  9. This actress of the "big" screen discovered that what brought more meaning to  life was the pursuit of more simple things such as the upbringing of the offspring entrusted, etc. & at the opportune time, the lifestyle that was associated with being a motion picture "star" was given-up making the late former actress Meg Ryan worthy of being a Consideree (12/21/2019),
  10. This late dear individual took a principled stand when it mattered most, who upon discovering the way Clair dealt with her various offspring in ways that demonstrated stark & blatant partiality to some as oppose to others as documented in the Event #11 in the post THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY, (which had a decided impact on those in the same heritage of Chelsea Clinton); namely the House of Windsor, whose demise was more complicated than meets the "eye". Chelsea was deserving of being given recognition as a  Consideree for standing on the side taken at that time in this late dear individual's life, 
  11. These late "Considerees", both with Russian heritage had similar opportunities available as many others with similar backgrounds, with one notable exception, namely one being Nadia Marzliiakaw my Pratt Student Advisor, who took steps to assist me become enrolled at the "eleventh" hour, since I was waiting for the Brooklyn Polytechnic letter of acceptance, (which never arrived) as discussed in the Conclusion section of the Conservery Dedications post THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS, & taking steps to remedy this situation enrolled at Pratt, and of course was the individual responsible in one manner or another for initiating the process and ensuring the outcome that led to the acceptance letter depicted in the Conservery Historical ONLY  Blog post HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS, making this the performance by the late Nadia worthy of being a Consideree (7/12/2019). Therefore when Nadia's near kin was being held hostage by an "unknown" group in a nearby Russian state & very serious consideration was given to how it would all turn out, Karlmova decided to face those holding this Overcomer resolutely, hoping that those "thugs" would be effected by it somehow. To Karlmova's surprise after only few days, the intervention sought came in an unusual manner and was placed safely back in Russia exhausted but reunited with Nadia. The resoluteness with, which Karlmova faced the very life threatening situation made the late Karlmova worthy of also being a Consideree (12/21/2019),
  12. This individual, former Hawaii Governor Ben Cayetano's youngest daughter is one who can be described as being dynamic & courageous who when it matters most will take the time to carry out the type of meaningful action that can encourage another with needed words of effective assistance, support & counsel in a helpful manner a very rare quality indeed (12/21/2019). As a result, this youngest daughter of the former Governor is worthy of being considered (12/21/2019),
  13. These two individuals, "mother" & daughter are examples of courageous individuals & of course for demonstrating courageous conduct that exposed wrong-doing (of a treasonable nature) is a cause worth undertaking. As a result, the late former 1st lady Christie Vilsak led her late Youngest offspring by the example she set in doing what was both right as well as courageous when it matter most making these late individuals worthy of being Considerees (12/21/2019),
  14. This Overcomer Notable Consideree is indirectly connected with my journey and is one who possessed the courage to "clean up" an archaic system of referencing properties in the County in, which this individual resided that enabled misconception to take place regarding property ownership including the remote IA farm property referenced in the post “FOR THE CAUSE OF THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING FIVE, MAYBE”, making this late individual the former Jones County Treasurer Jan Miller a worthy Consideree (12/21/2019),
  15. This latest Consideree's life has been filled with trying events that wouldn't be expected from one who had the type of upbringing this individual had as a member of the founding family of the Harley Davidson company, but the former Ann Romney took steps to keep a bright face in the midst of the turmoil when the family business was lost amidst very questionable circumstances, which abruptly changed the life this Consideree had prior to these turn of developments that is not too very unfamiliar to other similar events in the history of this Land of the Free & Home of the Brave (1/21/2019). As a result, when it mattered most this very dear courageous Consideree started over holding up those values held close away from the public eye as one who prefers to avoid the limelight, earning Ann the title of WORTHY CONSIDEREE (12/21/2019),  
  16. This latest Consideree like quite a few others is one who gained a reputation as an outstanding athlete in the sport of this individual's choosing, tennis & the achievements this outstanding individual became known for should not be negated in this society where it has been the practice for many years to attempt to compete & excel wherever its possible to gain an advantage dating back as far as possible (12/21/2019). This Russian player Maria Sharapova has also known difficulty as latter events have shown, which are unfortunate in the opinion of this Servant, but setting that aside this individual was at the right place at the appropriate time to gain the awards, which should not be taken away from this very discerning Consideree (12/21/2019)
  17. Like the previous Consideree, this individual became outstanding in the sports world, & specifically in skiing at the Olympic level, which is no easy achievement in a field that can truly be stated as daring (12/21/2019). Lindsey used the achievements of the role model who was chosen by this individual to emulate, Peekaboo to follow in his path & didn't stop until Olympic gold was gained, while demonstrating that the principle of working tirelessly to pursue one's goals can be a realized outcome in some cases, making Lindsey Vonn a very unusually worthy Consideree (12/21/2019).
  18. Former late State of IA 1st Lady as well as former spouse of the immediate past GovernoR Christie BranstaD was a "beacon" when it mattered most & in her own unassuming but uplifting manner accomplished the intended objective, namely succeeded in effecting the exposing of treasonable activity that was a well kept "secret" that most of those who knew were reluctant to take any action in that regard that complimented the actions of the #7 Notables & for this conduct is a very worthy Consideree (12/21/2019),
  19. Longtime youth group member Mariska Henderson as documented in the Historical ONLY Conservery Blog post who comprised the youth group from the post VERIFIABLE OUTCOMES ALWAYS RESULT FROM SOUND DECISIONS (& "noted as one of the young group members who captured the essence of the Health Fair taking a well-deserved break from other activities in the photo used in the Conservery Historical ONLY "Holding Base" Dedication, whose principled stand when it mattered most made a resounding echo as a testament for one who let the convictions that guided this dear individual's life become the anchor when it was really needed & was indeed worthy of being a Consideree (12/21/2019), 
  20. This standout & very clearly talented Consideree who has had to set goals to achieve the accomplishments in her life, which she was brought up in because "a great deal was expected" from this goal oriented capable individual who knows when to execute the objectives that have come to define this dynamic & rare because of her unique heritage who has seen her share of triumphs & challenges (12/24/2019). However, in spite of these developments, rather than accept the status quo as most would, this effective Consideree followed her heart & raised her young family in the midst of very challenging circumstances & this helped her to become known for the philanthropic activities she chose to pursue making, Teresa Heinz an accomplished & more than worthy Consideree  (12/24/2019) 
  21. This Consideree is my son Dejon who is one who is project & goal oriented but because he is included to assist in areas where needed significant details will not be included here as he is being expected to ultimately demonstrate  selection as a volunteer based on performance as a worthy Consideree &(12/21/2019)
  22. This very specially talented Consideree is a rare gifted individual whose performance in the standout role that this actor became known for was so pivotal that it stuck in such a manner that left with it a stereotype in an industry where being stereotyped is not considered what's best for an actor's career but the performance of "Chrissie" left a mark that was hard to equal by replacement(s), which underscores the point of the role Cory became noted for, which in the case of a drama could not be sustained with his sudden untimely demise (12/27/2019). The continuance of the TV series in Chrissie's case was mainly because of the fact that it was a sitcom but it was clear in the opinion of this Servant that Chrissie's departure left a gap in that series that could not be filled by any replacement because of how well the performance stood out in the big "break" of a lifetime, making Suzanne Sommers a rare & gifted, talent very worthy of being a Consideree (12/30/2019).
Category 3) Details of Importance:
The type of conditions the Servant Redwood Cedar had to contend with in his journeys are discussed in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW as well as in other posts on these Blogs that enabled this Servant known for the five (5) lights (that is appropriately described in the New Liveli Blog post THE CREATOR (GOD) & Figure 3i, which holds relevance for the overcomer in its true sense because what it really encompasses is standing apart from all the misconceptions & conditions incorporated all around this existing Dominion as accepted customs ushered in by the Dragon to become knowledgeable about what really occurred throughout the Earth's history & remain consistent with executing the convictions held & expected by THE CREATOR GOD  for the Overcomer as indicated in FIGURE 3i - THE CREATOR'S OFFICIAL OFFICE STRUCTURE FOR WHAT'S NEW (12/20/2019). As indicated in Figure 2a from the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 this Servant will be the CREATOR GOD'S COUNTERBALANCE in the correct environment as depicted in Figure 2a of the post WHAT'S NEW  (12/20/2019).

 post was assembled for the purpose of underscoring the qualities that the Considerees are/were associated & recognized for in the hope that eventually a FEW WILL EMERGE TO BECOME VOLUNTEERS FOR THE DOMINIONS PROJECT, which is to main focus here for highlighting their actions as appropriate, 
as a result fourteen (14 including a group) are being given the opportunity to demonstrate notable status & becoming volunteers as described & indicated above (12/27/2019).
society that was introduced here as it has evolved is one in, which emphasis is placed on showy outward appearance but with little underlying substance because nothing really works the way in, which it's being conveyed, but what represents the new focus is one in, which uplifting objectives will be more readily apparent among those in WHAT'S NEW & it's with this in mind that this group is being given this rare opportunity (12/21/2019).

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