Water is the Correct Medium for Iindividuals as Depicted in Figure 3a (click to access)..

Wednesday, August 29, 2018



For the purpose of conducting affairs differently that encompasses revealing previously sheltered activities that is THE CREATOR'S Servant's objective, this post that was previously a part of the Prelude in THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE ADDENDUM is now being converted to a stand-alone post since the related developments warrant such to clearly demonstrate what overcoming really entails as depicted in the below depiction because of its relevance for WHAT'S NEW (1/23/2019).
There will be no Assistees outside of WHAT'S NEW (2/2/2019). The purpose of this outline is to clearly show how the need for this scenario became a necessity (2/2/2019). The unfolding of these details will show why the previously included cautionary note still requires consideration because of the very "sensitive" nature of these events even though much time has elapsed & they are being revealed for the 1st time in a public forum with a desire to "protect" herself on the part of this individual - 2/2/2019). Based on this, the applicable details are follows (1/18/2019).


Background Details:
order to point out why much difficulty exists in arriving at a viable outcome & solution from THE
CREATOR'S former ORDER REPRESENTATIVE'S "SURPRISE QUIZ" that should have been FAIRLY MEDIATED if this was its true intent but this did NOT take place & the related developments are being revealed here (1/30/2019). First, it must be pointed out that the original female placed in this (Earth's) Realm is also known as "THE GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER" who in reality is Eve O's mother, (about whom more will be included later) & was always the Mediator in control of what was taking place 2/2/2019). The Mediator was always actively involved in the goings on as discussed below in addition to effecting the outcome with regards my journeys as the Servant Cedar Omega (1/23/2019).
As a result, these activities impacted the Cedar Alpha (male of the pair) predominantly with regards the journeys of this Servant but there were many other irregularities, however, the focus of this post is the Cedar Alpha (pair male) since this is the path through, which Cedar Omega would emerge, (1/23/2019).
It's apparently clear that when subjected to INTENSE examination that the "SURPRISE QUIZ" was simply a veil to cover up the populating of the Earth in as rapid a manner as possible because Seth was engaged in similar activities with the females & they (the offspring produced) were all placed strategically to effect the above objective (1/29/2019). The Enacted Measures (EM) that were placed on ALL those in the Earth's Realm throughout its generations were implemented by the highest power, THE CREATOR himself for disobedience, meaning the Earth's Realm was never intended to be populated in the manner it was as there was NO original male individual only the original female in addition to the living things as described in the post THE UNDERLYING REASON FOR WHAT'S NEW & this preceeds the populating of the Earth's Dominion itself (2/2/2019).
To Digress:
The Earth's Realm began with the placement of an original female with complex capabilities (as the others in the others comprising the 2000 Realms) & living things in each of the Realms & they were supposed to be the guardians of the animal mammal reproduction process that included only animal mammal females & a lone male gorilla (2/2/2019). None of the others placed in the remaining Realms started human populations & as a result they are still in the manner they were placed & don't have Enacted Measures (EM) on them because they are no human populations on them as Earth has just the lone original female even after all these ages (2/2/2019).

To Resume
As a result, it was the manner in, which the human population was effected that resulted in the very punitive Enacted Measures (EMbeing placed on ALL the Earth's inhabitants by THE CREATOR (2/2/2019).
The original female placed started the human population had a number of offspring & created the Order system in this Realm with the three (3) initial direct female offspring & is the individual being called the GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER (also known as HELEN O) of whom the late EVE O was one of her initial offspring in addition to five (5) others (2/2/2019). EVE O was placed in the Earth Dominion itself in the same manner as the GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER had done & she as her mother before her started populating this Dominion in the same way until tragic events took place leading to the death of Melchzeidec the Biblical Abel who killed Cain & because she didn't take any action when he did he eventually killed EVE O herself due to her favoring of his son Seth whom he would have also destroyed if the gorilla female with whom Seth had a very unusually close bond, not protected him (2/2/2019). The GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER (HELEN O's mother) stepped in to salvage the situation & destroyed Melchzeidec & his other offspring along with Seth were placed for the rapid populating of the Earth that was later implemented with the removal of the males, which the GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER sheparded with the assistance of the gorilla female (2/2/2019). However, the focus of this is the Cedar Omega male, which is the path through, which this Servant would eventually emerge in order to from her point of view serve as "window dressing" for what had been done but it was used by THE CREATOR himself to rectify the situation in existence, namely many individuals given over to evil uncontrollably who were never even supposed to be in existence as described above (2/2/2019).

To Digress:
Before the 2nd part of these events are outlined it must be pointed out that THE CREATOR effectively altered the journeys of this Servant Cedar Omega to demonstrate the outcome that occurred & whose object it was to find a solution for the existing situation, namely one in, which uncontrollable evil was & is in a primary place that is NOT a sustainable avenue via, which any Realm can function indefinitely & the result clearly showed this foregone conclusion to be correct for the enabling of ALL to realize what took place in the Earth & why the will of THE CREATOR cannot be impede with regards HIS desired objective (2/2/2019).
With more complicated structures come new pathways for evil to be "hidden" in a society that outwardly appears to be functioning "effectively" when this is completely incorrect & this is what this Servant's journeys is intended to bring to "light", who is the 20th of Seth's personalities as discussed in the Footnote of the post THE FINAL OUTCOME OF THE (SERVANT) WHO WAS NEVER ALLOWED TO BECOME ANYTHING & was intended to one of the GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER's to be used in the manner the previous 19 personalities of Seth had been used according to her desired objective (2/2/2019). 
THE CREATOR altered what had been intended by HELEN O to effect the Overcomer's emergence & used my journeys to definitively show that more of the same is not the way forward with regards HIS intended objective for the overcomer (2/2/2019). THE GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER is in reality the Primary 6th ORDER REPRESENTATIVE in the Earth's Realm Order system that she instituted that includes six (6) others of, which three (3) of them are her simultaneous personalities (2/2/2019).

To Resume:
Ultimately what was driving THE GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER was the above objective & as an outcome, the journeys of this Servant that was merely intended to be also used to control this Servant's journeys & ultimately the significance of the overcomer's intended role that she knew the importance of (2/2/2019).
Helen O spearheading these events & used her complex abilities such as to "see" ahead (in the future) in addition to the non simultaneous/simultaneous personalities to inject herself in any way possible to bring about the intended outcome (2/2/2019). Consistent with the above focus in the Background Details section from a narrow perspective, the Cedar Alpha male was removed from the test by the Mediator manipulating the test & what resulted should have never occurred generally & more specifically in his case because his removal led to many tragic complications (2/2/2019).

Related Details of Importance:
The Mediator (with her simultaneous personalities) pursuing these objectives wanted to be sure that every aspect of the "project" would be completely under her control & did so by 1st placing the offspring (& in Cedar Alpha's case a second effort had to be effected due the previously mentioned tragic occurrences) in what is now North America & other indicated (Far East Asia/Middle Eastern) locations over some duration before the developments occurred in North America as described in the post REPOSTING OF AN (UPDATED) EXCERPT FROM THE POST "AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY" (1/28/2019).
onsistent with the outline in the above Background Details section, the 1000 years period in "The Revelation..." was included to cover up what was taking place with the Cedar Alpha (male & his offspring) as well as the others during the years they were being "rewarded" by the Mediator & her "support" (2/2/2019). Another example of the type of interference that took place is outlined in the Footnote of the post THE REVELATION OF HOW THE JOURNEYS OF CEDAR OMEGA WERE EFFECTED BY THE CREATOR in order to attempt to bring about the outcome desired, & as an outcome, the manipulating of this Servant's journeys at any costs for the secondary resulting objective with regards the "
SURPRISE QUIZas previously described above (1/27/2019). What ultimately took place was the effecting of the various worldwide kingdoms over the course of the Earth's history all dedicated to evil & thereby ensuring that all would be forced to adopt evil in order to survive in this Dominion in effect satisfying the idea of a "quiz" to ensure that the true reasons for the EM would remain uncovered for as long as possible as well as to thwart the overcomer's role from what was instituted by THE CREATOR as previously indicated by attempting to ensure that the pursuit of evil-centered objectives that would be an outcome of the various world powers to bring about the above objectives (2/2/2019).
The "highlight" of the above actions was the 5th "image" of her empire to bring about this objective by making sure that none would be able to carry out any meaningful income generating activity unless corrupted (or evil) as documented in "This Servant's journeys..." paragraph of the Conclusion section of the post  CLARITY DESCRIBED AND ON DISPLAY - UPDATED, making this action (the EM decision/imposition) the single most significant event in the Earth's history as indicated in the post THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY (1/28/2019).
THE GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER HELEN O indirectly manipulated the events for this Servant to be labeled as "legally" non existent in order to achieve her desired objective to ensure control of this Servant's journeys & by implying that I was in this country illegally she was able to assume the identity of "James Brazant" to justify her "existence" in this Dominion because of having no origins here & cannot be here justifiably & did not stop until all my remaining 40+ years of memorabilia not already stolen (as documented in the Historical ONLY Conservery Blog post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA & STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW) "taken" as the placing me in chains for rock collecting was intended to effect, as described in Comment #1 from 1/13&16/2018 on the Conservery Dedications COMMENTS 2018 Page to enable the "freeloaders" to, call me a double based on their methods of achieving such (2/2/2019). This outcome serves as my basis for this Servant returning to the Land of my Upbringing as pointed out in the "*This total implies..." paragraph of the Background/Basis For the New Arrangement Inclusive section of THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE ADDENDUM post since this action was an outcome of those who "engineered" my being made "legally" here illegal "behind my back" the "freeloaders" way to enable those in hiding behind my journey to be made legal "Americans" as pointed out in the Historical ONLY Conservery Blog post WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK?;  in order to ensure that the EM remained on me unfairly since ALL in the Earth were effected by default(1/29/2019).

The solution arrived for THE GREATEST ALMIGHTY POWER HELEN O (who does not have the ability to remove the EM) was already imposed by THE CREATOR for WHAT'S NEW & was only intended to be changed for an overcomer * (see Footnote - 2/2/2019)
The point to be borne in mind is that a lone female was supposed to remain here (the Earth's Realm) as the others in the remaining Realms & this Servant cannot change this intended objective of THE CREATOR (2/2/2019). 
* Footnote:
These encompassing punitive outcomes that include everything from diseases to hair loss & aging will upon this action stop, in ALL effected (including living things meaning the diseases & aging processes will NO longer take place & "FREEZING" ALL at their age in time with only the very young) reaching maturity & remaining at that age & aging NO further. This is scheduled to occur ONLY for overcomer & when this takes place they will no longer be effects due to the EM conditions & for this Servant reversals of prior conditions effected during my journeys will take place in WHAT'S NEW (2/2/2019).

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