Water is the Correct Medium for Iindividuals as Depicted in Figure 3a (click to access)..

Thursday, November 21, 2019

REPUBLISHING OF THE INTRODUCTION OF SP/CEDAR - (New 11/21/2019 - Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of clarifying various misconceptions about my role as supplemented with the details about THOAP'S Servant as described in the Footnote 1 in the New Liveli Blog post REPUBLISHING OF HOW THE QUEST/JOURNEY OF SP/CEDAR WAS EFFECTED BY THE CREATOR FOR THE INTENDED OBJECTIVE to definitively differentiate this Servant's approach as described on the Pages of this Blog. The details are outlined below, please follow (12/30/2019).


As indicated in the above referenced post events surrounding the Nation of Israel set the stage for THOAP'S Servant's quest/journey as Redwood Cedar as indicated in the post REPUBLISHING OF HOW THE QUEST/JOURNEY OF SP/CEDAR WAS EFFECTED BY THE CREATOR FOR THE INTENDED OBJECTIVE with the molding that marked my upbringing & associated with my upbringing as discussed in the post NOAH AND THE NEW WORLD CONNECTION (12/30/2019).

Background Details of Importance:

In What's New my role will be as discussed in the above referenced Figure 3i. There will be no market as well as monetary systems and since the location will be in the appropriate latitude, clothing will be simple such as needed where appropriate. Consistent with the complete turnaround mentioned in the above referenced Figure,  THE CREATOR (GOD) will implement what HE intended that represents What's New because a new start requires a new location as well because of the untold evil carried out by following the example of the Dragon & what was ushered in as a result (12/20/2019).
My role as the Servant CARETAKER will never require me to be practicing something different than what is being presented outwardly, such as marks the lifestyle conditions in this existing Dominion (12/30/2019).
There will be NO Assistees as referenced in the post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW in the Dominion comprising What's New. My main function there will be ensuring that all activities from a "big picture" perspective are carried out effectively in supporting the intended objectives for What's New as indicated in the referenced Figure in an environment that fosters RESPECT FOR ALL.

Objective & Outcome:
With the starting point being What's New
, providing assistance as needed will be refreshing to move pass what was ushered in this existing Dominion, which is in a very unhealthy acute & dire state with regards the evil conditions. Here, the intrinsic difference from being surrounded by those whose lifestyles fully dedicated to the evil that had been introduced all around towards what's now focused on meaningful, uplifting & wholesome, etc. requires an atmosphere rooted in kindness attributes such as THOUGHTFULNESS as intended for WN (12/3012019). However, just as the quest/journey of this Servant demonstrated that it's possible for an individual to overcome deep rooted misconceptions even with no special capabilities as highlighted in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 even when surrounded by the evils ushered in & adopted by most, it cannot be stated that such isn't possible by all
The focus on UPRIGHTNESS, WHOLESOMENESS & RESPECTFULNESS etc., will differentiate What's New from what's currently in existence in a primary place. There will be a meaningful purpose to life that will be complemented with times of personal attainment complimented by satisfaction, in proper perspective that will be a contrast to what had been the main focus previously, that will provide needed healing "therapy".


The purpose of this Blog post is to compliment the details in Figure 2a initial conditions in the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE FOR WHAT'S NEW - PART 1 for a better view of what's ahead based on careful planning to bring about the desired objective. Since healing of all of the Enacted Measures (EM) will have been effected as discussed in the Conclusion section & Footnote of the post REPUBLISHING OF CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEWTHOAP'S objective with regards achieving the above objectives - uprightness... etc., will be implemented, such that what's currently in existence will be a thing of the past (12/20/2019).

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